Pablo Isla to receive â27 million this year from Inditex, a year after his departure from the group

Pablo Isla to receive €27 million this year from Inditex, a year after his departure from the group


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According to the recently approved remuneration report by the textile group’s shareholders’ meeting, Pablo IslaInditex

Pablo Isla – Reuters

Thus, the former executive president of Spain’s largest company in terms of market capitalization will be earning more than 27 million euros this year, of which almost 23 million euros will be as compensation for his departure from the group in April of the previous year, with the remaining amount representing outstanding incentive programs.

In the case of García Maceiras, the current CEO of Inditex, his remuneration will amount to 8.4 million euros, with a payment of 6.9 million euros and the rest in shares.

These figures represent roughly double the amounts received by Isla in the previous year and approximately 11 times more for García Maceiras.

The current non-executive president, Marta Ortega, will maintain her salary of 834,000 euros, which is similar to the previous year when she assumed control of the group founded by her father, Amancio Ortega.

Inditex, the textile group that owns brands such as ZaraMassimo Dutti

Moreover, the company recently achieved its best-ever first fiscal quarter (February-April), earning 1.168 billion euros, a 54% increase compared to the same period in 2022, with revenues exceeding 7.6 billion euros, a 13% year-on-year growth.

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