COVID cases soar among Florida’s youngest students as schools face winter surge 

COVID-19 cases are surging among Florida’s youngest students as the Omicron variant fuels the state’s overall rise in infections, with new daily cases in children under 5 reaching their highest levels since the pandemic began, according to data released Friday by the state health department.

The number of new cases among children under 5 has risen rapidly in the past few weeks, from a seven-day average of 1,472 on Dec. 1 to 5,195 on Jan. 7. The positivity rate for children under 5 has also climbed, from 12.6 percent on Dec. 1 to 22.3 percent on Jan. 7.

The surge in cases among young children is putting a strain on the state’s pediatric health care system. In some areas, hospitals are reporting that they are running out of beds for children and that wait times in emergency rooms are increasing.

The rise in cases among young children is also leading to more school closures. As of Friday, more than 100 schools in Florida had closed due to COVID-19 outbreaks, according to the state education department.

The Omicron variant is more contagious than previous strains of the virus, and it is spreading rapidly among children and adults alike. The variant is also more likely to cause severe illness in children than previous strains, and it is unclear how effective the current vaccines are against it.

Parents are urged to take precautions to protect their children from COVID-19, including getting them vaccinated if they are eligible, wearing masks in public places, and avoiding large gatherings.

Florida is one of several states that is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases among young children. In recent weeks, similar trends have been reported in other states, including New York, California, and Texas.

The surge in cases among young children is a reminder that the pandemic is not over, and that it is important to take precautions to protect children from the virus.

Here are some additional tips for parents:

* **Get your child vaccinated if they are eligible.** The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for children ages 5 and up. It is the best way to protect your child from the virus.
* **Wear masks in public places.** Masks are an effective way to reduce the spread of the virus. Make sure your child wears a mask when they are in public places, such as schools, stores, and restaurants.
* **Avoid large gatherings.** Large gatherings are a breeding ground for the virus. Avoid taking your child to large gatherings, such as parties, concerts, and sporting events.
* **Stay home if you are sick.** If you or your child are sick, stay home. This will help prevent the spread of the virus to others.

By taking these precautions, you can help protect your child from COVID-19 and keep your family safe..

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